Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sacrament of the Moment

I love coming across and learning different ways people apply spiritual discipline in their lives. This is a section from the Mama:Monk blog, a guest post by Debby Bellingham. It resonates with what I'm desiring and learning on this journey.

"Jean-Pierre de Caussade in his book Abandonment to Divine Providence says becoming holy (his word – we might use the phrase to live fully in the Kingdom of God) is to “make a sacrament of the present moment.”

A sacrament is nothing but a common thing made holy by inviting God to be present in it. Common bread and wine are made a sacrament when we use them as reminders of Christʼs sacrifice for us. Water becomes a sacrament when it is used as the means of marking us in baptism. Bread, wine, water, in themselves are not holy. Consecrating them, asking God to use them or to meet us in the use of them is what makes them holy.

Your life may not seem holy, but every moment of your life can become a sacrament when you invite God to be present in it. Such awareness and activity will constantly connect you with the God of your life. Your goal, right? You want and need to live connected with the God who loves you.

Recognize that in each and every moment of your life God is giving you himself. Take this NOW and receive Godʼs love.

Your common, everyday life – work deadlines, feeding your family, conversations with friends, keeping your house – these are the NOWs in which God wants to meet you. He hides himself in these.

'The reason I speak to them in parables (hides himself in the commonalities of life) is that ʻseeing they do not perceive, and hearing they do not listen, nor do they understand…But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.' Matthew 13:13,16

You are blessed because you seek God by faith, not by sight. The blessing of finding God hidden in every moment of your life requires practice. More tomorrow."