Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Returning With Thankfulness

This isn't how I imagined coming back to the blog. I wanted more of a BANG to mark a new chapter, ya know? I knew I would need something to compel me to write again on here, and funny enough it wasn't any of the wonderful or challenging things happening in my life. My kids, my work, the new business, the new house (16 days 'til we move!), baby on the way…it's all worth writing about and there is much I have gained and learned about the spiritual disciplines in all aspects of my life. I just couldn't pick which one to talk about or how or when. But I've been reading this blog called Mama:Monk and I absolutely love it. It's one that I MUST read every post of. This girl is someone I can relate to on almost every level (particularly in relation to my journey of the spiritual disciplines). Motherhood, spirituality, marriage, simplicity, creativity. She does a Thankful Tuesday post and is starting to ask others to write their own and link our blogs together. It's a way of having online Christian fellowship, and that's what is compelling me today to write a new post. Because Micha Boyett (Mama:Monk) had a good idea and I wanted to join in.

I am thankful for…

  • my little boys who can hardly let me walk out the door in the mornings.
  • people that can disagree and journey in love through that disagreement.
  • God's surprises and the mystery of walking with Him.
  • the incredible emotions of pregnancy that make me ultra-sensitive and reactive (as annoying as it can be at times, I love that emotions remind me I'm alive and human.)
  • the greater depths of knowledge of our God that my husband and I are reaching together.
  • the book our small group is reading together called Sacred Marriage, by Gary Thomas.
  • crisp spring mornings that smell like the countryside.
  • simplifying my home, design projects, my way of thinking, my hopes.
  • change. It makes me hopeful and forces improvement.
  • the people in recovery at UGM who work hard and face the darkest places in order to obtain life-change and walk with God.
  • occasional time alone.

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