Thursday, January 6, 2011

Meditation | Days 31-37

As I was reciting the Lord's Prayer, two thoughts came to mind that are unrelated to the prayer, but related to what was really occupying my mind. 1.) I want to see God's beauty in my work. I want my design to reflect him. 2.) How do super minor details in life have meaning? Does God care about minuscule issues that probably won't matter in a decade and really won't affect anyone? Perhaps he uses those little things in ways we won't ever know; particularly to change us.

I've been obsessing for some hours now about a color palette for the organization I work for, and I seriously need a good conclusion rather quickly. I can't keep obsessing. It's wasting precious time. I decided to pray instead of just staying frustrated and that's when I realized that this little thing may in some way have eternal value. Maybe this process I'm going through will somehow bring me closer to Christ's likeness. Maybe not. But I will stop caring completely about these colors and how I use them if I don't see some sort of purpose in even thinking about it. Why do I care??? Why does this really matter? I care because I want to do my job excellently. Even if I don't carry these colors with me to heaven, and they may not change anyone's life, I care because I don't want to stop caring about how I do the work that is set before me. I might obsess just a little more, but I will seek God in the conquest for the right way to accomplish this little task.

A couple lines from the Celtic Office Midday Prayer:

"Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.
Establish Thou the work of our hands;
establish Thou the work of our hands."

"Let nothing disturb thee,
nothing affright thee;
all things are passing,
God never changeth!
Patient endurance attaineth to all things;
who God possesseth
in nothing is wanting;
alone God sufficeth."

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