Thursday, December 30, 2010

Meditation | Days 22 & 23

I found a treasure. Amazingly, I came across a really useful tool that I think I'll start using to help with a routine in my meditation. I was doing a Google search for something (I can't remember what) and came across a blog that was talking about prayer and meditation. The blog cited a prayer from what is called the Celtic Daily Prayer Office. I've been doing a little research on its origins: Northumbria Community which "describes a network of hugely diverse people, from different backgrounds, streams and edges of the Christian faith," that is "Inspired by, drawing from, and living in the spiritual tradition of monasticism." Part of their website provides the morning, midday and evening prayers and meditations of the Celtic Daily Prayer Office that this community of believers recite together. It also has a link to scriptures and meditation for each day of the month. I love it! The prayers are taken right from Scripture and remind me very much of the creeds used in liturgical churches. And the meditations come from non-scriptural writings/poems/songs. I watched a video of the two men who I think started this "unplanned, spontaneous" community (in the 70's I think). One thing that stood out to me from their video was what they said about liturgy. It was something to the effect that what is beautiful about liturgy is that it is with you in the darkest of times. This is why I'm so drawn to liturgy. It provides consistency when life is unpredictable and difficult, and you don't know how else to be with God or communicate with Him. Too bad most of these communities are in Northumbria (northern part of England, south Scotland) because I would LOVE to go study and experience their style of meditation and community.

Yesterday was my first day with these prayers and I'm so thankful to have something other than yoga and the palms down/palms up meditation to try. If you're interested in reading these daily prayers, scriptures and meditations go here. I'll leave with a beautiful poem I read in this morning's meditation.

Receive our thanks
for night and day,
for food and shelter,
rest and play.
Be here our guest,
and with us stay,
saranam, saranam, saranam.

For this small earth
of sea and land,
for this small space
on which we stand,
for those we touch
with heart and hand,
saranam, saranam, saranam.

In the midst of foes
I cry to Thee,
from the ends of earth,
wherever I may be,
My strength in helplessness,
oh, answer me!
saranam, saranam, saranam.

Make my heart to grow
as great as Thine,
so through my hurt
Your love may shine,
my love be Yours,
Your love be mine,
saranam, saranam, saranam.

For those who've gone,
for those who stay,
for those to come,
following the Way,
be guest and guide
both night and day,
saranam, saranam, saranam.

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