Thursday, December 23, 2010

Meditation | Days 16 & 17

The snooze button has become my enemy this week. I haven't done any yoga because I'm rushing to make it to work on time. My mornings have been without meditation. So I've been trying to squeeze it in on breaks at work. They're little psuedo-prayers here and there, which completely defeats the purpose of meditation altogether. Meditation is pausing in the day to think on God and listen to Him (at least for those of us who haven't mastered meditation while working/doing). I haven't been pausing. The conscious effort is there...I want to pause. But I don't think I have time or that it's important enough to stop. In my opinion, however, meditation should not be on a strict schedule so much that it becomes another task to rule me. I just have to remind myself why I'm making a discipline of it: to draw closer to God. And if that desire really is there, then I will meet him. Sometimes it's a small, small desire. And sometimes I have a bigger desire to sleep or finish a project. Lord, help my first desire to be yours.

The verse Psalm 37:4 comes to mind:

"Delight yourself in the LORD;
         And He will give you the desires of your heart."

And I see Him giving me desires as a gift. Not desires that already exist in my heart. But brand new desires. Lord, make Yourself my true delight.

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