Monday, December 27, 2010

Meditation | Days 18-21

My body feels awake and energized from two short sessions of morning yoga. My lungs feel clean. My mouth feels fresh with sips of peppermint green tea. My heart feels receptive to what God will give me today. My brain feels on the brink of creativity.  I'm ready.

Ready is one of my favorite state of minds to be in. I think readiness is a gift from God and it's a major part of my life. Sometimes I think about my readiness too much and allow room for discontent. Being ready should be a state of awareness, not a state of anxiety. Like a tennis player who moves their feet as the other player prepares to serve. Or a dancer who energizes her muscles before a big jump. If I'm anxious I'm really not ready and I'll miss the gracefulness of the next move. I'll be to worried about the next move to really be prepared. Readiness is an awareness and acceptance of what is coming at you.

I'm ready, God. And I know you'll be with me and guide my decisions. I know you'll pick me up when I fall and that I can overcome great obstacles with your help.

1 comment:

  1. Love your progression here. Especially your words on readiness. You go from feeling ready to simply being ready. Thanks for the images. I needed them.
