Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Meditation | Days 63-70

Amazing how my ears open and my heart becomes increasingly receptive when a major decision is at hand. I'm suddenly waiting, listening, eager for God's voice. God speak. I am too afraid to be anywhere but by your side.

I read to Oliver last night the story of Elijah who ran away to Mt. Sinai seeking God's voice. He experienced God's power in an earthquake and a storm...but he finally heard God's voice in the stillness.

If I can learn to put the same weight on small decisions as I do on big ones I will learn to listen every day, every moment for God's voice and watch for His movement. He is not dormant when days are normal or easy. What if my choice of a route to work tomorrow is just as important as buying a house? Can I learn to listen all the time? It seems impossible right now with the kind of scattered brain I sometimes have.

But now I am experiencing that it is possible to listen and meditate intensely even with my brain. I can write a blog, shop for groceries, feed my baby, eat dinner, watch a television show AND pray/hear/feel God. I am drawing near in the midst of normal life and I feel that He has drawn nearer to me. I'm amazed.

I think I will start my chapter of prayer and see how it adds to what I've learned about meditation so far.

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